

Elizabeth S.C. Wu is a public health professional, photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator living in Los Angeles.

Arts Background: Elizabeth S.C. Wu studied fine arts and painting with two prestigious foundations, Ryman Foundation for Fine Artists (USC, 2000-2002) and Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation (Colorado State College, 2001), that provided world class art instruction with professors from California’s premiere art schools. Her arts education was funded in part by Walt Disney, Herbert D. Ryman and Lucille Ryman Caroll, and the Richard Florsheim Art Fund’s Artists Advisory Committee members, Chuck Close, Janet Fish, Irving Sandler, and others.

Noteworthy Accomplishments in the Arts: In 2001, Elizabeth S.C. Wu designed the cover of the inaugural edition of the GTE (now, Verizon) Teen Phone Book, a project of Long Beach Mayor Beverly O’Neill. This accomplishment earned her a Recognition of Honor from the City of Long Beach. Elizabeth S.C. Wu was also named California Arts Scholar in 2001 and 2002. She is also a contributing artist in “Ripple Effect: A Collection of Fiction and Art” (Morges 2008), a collection of original fiction and art to benefit Rebuild New Orleans Public Library. In 2011, Elizabeth S.C. Wu was one of the contributing artists in the show, “In the Flow, Los Angeles Artists Supporting HIV/AIDS” at the Fremont Gallery in South Pasadena, CA.  In 2012, her medical illustrations and graphical design work will be seen in various media campaigns to raise awareness for Hepatitis C research, including Los Angeles Metro bus advertisements and in the pages of LA Weekly. In 2014-2015, Elizabeth S.C. Wu is illustrated five book covers for award-winning author, Cecilia Tan, for her re-release of The Magic University series. In 2016, Elizabeth S.C. Wu will be contributing to a group art show “Many Journeys and Many Lives” in MCAU Gallery in Los Angeles, CA.

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Photography: Since 2009, she is also a professional events photographer for entertainment news agencies, covering red carpet and invited press events all over Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Los Angeles. She has photographed some of the biggest names in Hollywood, and her work has appeared in countless publications, including People, Star, and entertainment news blogs such as monsterandcritics.com, celebritypregnancy.com, and other magazines, newspapers, and websites in the US, UK, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, and Hong Kong.

Steven Spielberg and Saoirse Ronan  Jessica Alba and Denzil Washington  Vanessa Hudgens and Paris Hilton